Body Love Bootcamp 

Are you sick and tired of trying everything?

Let's break free from self-doubt, embrace self-assurance,

and create sustainable change.


Curvy women, I’m talking to you: 

You can’t shame yourself into a smaller body, no matter how hard you try.

We know the feeling—we’re tired of losing weight only to live in constant fear of gaining it all back. We’re fed up with tasteless diet meals that leave us feeling undernourished, and we’re done with workout regimens that just don’t suit our bodies. Maybe the reason nothing has worked is that the missing piece is your mindset.

Because here's the truth: You can lose weight and still feel terrible about yourself.

That’s why this Body Love Bootcamp focuses on what really matters—mindset, meditation, and movement. It’s not just about the physical; it’s about rewriting your story to embrace your body with love, nourishment, and self-respect.

This Bootcamp is the missing piece to your wellness journey. Together, we’ll rewrite our path—one filled with kindness, gentleness, and joyful movement that supports and empowers you to love yourself exactly as you are.

Join now

For years, I told myself, “When I’m skinny, I’ll...”

But after decades of dieting, self-criticism, and waiting to be the "right size,"

I took a leap. Despite my doubts and the voice telling me I didn't have a "yoga body," I joined a yoga teacher training—not to become a teacher, but to deepen my practice. 

When I stepped into that training room, I realized something powerful: my body was already perfect for sharing yoga, just as it was. The shift didn’t come from changing my body—it came from changing my mindset.

And that’s where I'm excited to take you: cultivating the self-assurance and inner confidence to step into any space and live fully, without waiting for your body (or you) to change.

This isn’t about perfection—it’s about embracing who you are now, and finding the confidence to live for now, going after what you desire!


The Bootcamp is designed to help you break free from the cycle of self-doubt that holds you back. You’ll learn to reframe your thoughts, stop waiting for external validation, and start living with confidence. And don’t get me wrong—I’m certainly not telling you to stop exercising or let yourself go!

This is about shifting your mindset so that movement becomes a joyful act of self-care, rather than a punishment. It's about empowering you to feel good in your body, inside and out, and to live your life confidently, without waiting for the “perfect” moment.


The Body Love Bootcamp is for women who:

  • Feel stuck in the cycle of comparison and body shaming.
  • Want to stop waiting for the “perfect body” to start living their dream life.
  • Are ready to embrace self-love and confidence, but aren’t sure where to begin.
  • Crave a supportive, empowering community that will lift them up, not tear them down.
  • Are looking for real, actionable steps to make lasting changes in their mindset and life.
Let's do it now!

One of my amazing clients shared how this program transformed her life, empowering her to embrace self-love and body confidence. It’s not just about how you look—it’s about fostering mental and emotional well-being.

By learning these practices, you’ll boost your self-worth, build lasting confidence, and finally feel free to live fully, without waiting for your body to change. This is your chance to develop the mindset that lets you experience true inner peace and confidence in every area of your life.


Who Will You Be After the Body Love Bootcamp?

You’ll leave this program as a woman who no longer waits for permission to love herself.

You’ll walk away feeling more self-assured, knowing deep down that you are lovable, worthy, and totally normal just as you are. You’ll see yourself as perfectly imperfect—embracing every part of you, flaws and all, with love and confidence. 

You’ll be equipped with a mindset that empowers you to:

Feel confident in your own body, no matter what.
Pursue your goals with boldness, free from the limiting beliefs that used to hold you back.
Embrace joy and peace, knowing that you’re worthy of love exactly as you are.

How This Transformation Works

Module-Based Learning for Real Change

I will walk you through a journey of self-discovery and empowerment through my modules and activities. You’ll explore your self-imposed rules, challenge societal expectations, and gradually shift your mindset towards one of compassion, love, and confidence​​.

Journaling Prompts for Deep Self-Reflection

By writing down your thoughts and reflecting on your experiences, you’ll gain clarity on your subconscious beliefs and learn how to reshape them. These prompts guide you to ask yourself the right questions, leading to breakthroughs in how you perceive yourself and your body​.

Meditations for Peace and Mindset Shift

Meditation isn’t just about relaxation; it’s about reprogramming your mind. The Body Love Bootcamp offers guided meditations that help you connect with your body on a deeper level, reduce stress, and foster a calm, focused mind​.

Gentle Yoga to Promote Movement and Self-Connection

Movement is a key part of connecting with and honouring your body. As part of the Body Love Bootcamp, you’ll experience gentle yoga sessions designed to promote movement without pressure. These sessions will help you reconnect with your body, build strength, and practice mindfulness, all in a way that feels empowering and nurturing. Whether you’re new to yoga or already a fan, these classes will allow you to explore movement as a form of self-love.

Live Group Calls for Connection and Support

To deepen your journey and offer personalized guidance, there will be two live group calls where we can connect as a community. These calls are an opportunity to share your progress, ask questions, and get real-time support, encouragement, and insights. They’re all about building each other up and creating an empowering space to foster your growth.

A Supportive Community for Motivation

You’re not in this alone. The Body Love Bootcamp community is filled with women on the same journey as you, ready to support and uplift each other. This network provides accountability, encouragement, and a sense of belonging that’s crucial to your transformation​.

An Investment in YOU

One time payment

$297 AUD

SAVE $33

  • 2 Live Group Calls
  • Body Love Bootcamp Modules
  • Journal Prompts
  • Guided Audio meditations
  • Gentle Yoga Flow

Payment Plan

$11O AUD

3x Monthly Payments

  • 2 Live Group Calls
  • Body Love Bootcamp Modules
  • Journal Prompts
  • Guided Audio meditations
  • Gentle Yoga Flow

Transformation Package - including 1:1 Coaching with Emma

$697 AUD


  • 3x 1:1 coaching call with Emma Walkinshaw
  • 2 Live Group Calls
  • Body Love Bootcamp Modules
  • Journal Prompts
  • Guided Audio meditations
  • Gentle Yoga Flow

Your Body Confidence Coach

Hi, I’m Emma Walkinshaw...

I’m so excited that we’re starting this journey together. In the Body Love Bootcamp, I’ll be guiding you through transformative modules, powerful journal prompts, visualizations, and gentle yoga practices that are all designed to help you shift your mindset and embrace self-love.

For years, I was caught in the relentless cycle of fad diets—experiencing short-term success followed by the crushing fear of weight regain. It was exhausting, and each time I failed, my self-esteem took a hit. But everything changed for me in 2018 when I became a yoga teacher. Working with women of all shapes, sizes, and ages opened my eyes to something so powerful: being thin doesn’t equate to being strong, capable, or happy.

That realization sparked a massive shift in my life. I stopped chasing society’s illusion of perfection and began focusing on the most important thing—my mindset. I realized that no diet or external change could replace the need for a healthy relationship with myself. And now, I want to help you experience that same freedom.

If you’re tired of the same old cycles, it’s time for a change. This isn’t just about us—it’s for all the women around us. Our daughters, sisters, nieces, and friends need us to break free from these damaging beliefs and create a future where self-love and body confidence are the norm.

I’m here to support you every step of the way, and I can’t wait to watch your transformation unfold. Let’s do this, together! 🩷


Body Love Bootcamp

🩷 It's not just about the body 🩷

I'm ready for change!

One of my clients experienced a profound shift in her body perspective, becoming more aware of the harsh beauty standards and external diet culture messages.

Embracing kindness in her inner dialogue, she now respects and accepts her beautiful body, marking a transformative journey towards self-assurance.

Any Questions?

What Are You Waiting For?

Another day stuck in the cycle of diets, self-doubt, and body shame is exhausting!!!

It's time to change the story. Imagine embracing your curves, shifting your mindset, and finally living life with confidence and joy, without waiting to "fix" yourself. That’s what the Body Love Bootcamp is here for—to help you step into your power and live life on your terms.

Let’s rewrite your wellness journey, together. It starts right here.