Where will you be in 6 months, 1 year or 5 years?

Aug 08, 2024
a woman in a long dress standing on the beach

Hello! I’m Emma Walkinshaw and today we're exploring the transformative insights from Dr. Benjamin Hardy's Be Your Future Self Now. This book has revolutionized my approach to personal growth, and I'm excited to share key takeaways and actionable tips with you.

Prefer to listen? This blog post is also available on my Celebrate a Sister Podcast! Listen here:

Overcoming Initial Skepticism: A Fresh Perspective on Future Self

I’ll admit, I was initially skeptical about the book's title. The phrase “your future self will thank you” has become a bit of a cliché in the coaching and wellness world. However, Dr. Hardy’s approach and insights gave profound meaning to this concept, making it land for me in a way it hadn't before.

The Power of Future Visualization: Shaping Your Destiny

One of the book’s core ideas challenges the traditional psychological notion that our past dictates our future. Instead, Dr. Hardy argues that our vision of our future self significantly influences the actions we take today. This shift in perspective encourages us to invest time in visualizing who we want to be and where we want to be in six months, one year, five years, and even ten years.

A Case Study: Mr. Beast's Visualization Journey

Dr. Hardy highlights the success of YouTube sensation Mr. Beast, who visualized his future self through videos recorded at six-month, one-year, five-year, and ten-year intervals. These videos, reflecting his aspirations and goals, serve as powerful motivators and benchmarks. This approach underscores the importance of clear, future-oriented goal-setting.

Setting Realistic Goals: Focus and Achieve

Dr. Hardy emphasizes the importance of setting realistic, achievable goals. He suggests narrowing down your focus to just three key goals for the next six months and one year. Overloading yourself with too many goals can be counterproductive. By concentrating on a few, you can make substantial progress.

My Personal Goals: Inspired by Dr. Hardy

Inspired by Dr. Hardy, I’ve set three primary goals for the next six months:

  • Renovating Our House: This is a wealth-creating activity for us. Staying on budget and making thoughtful decisions will benefit our future selves.
  • Creating and Filming an E-Course: I want to support my community through a beautifully crafted e-course, extending the impact of my live programs and retreats.
  • Walking 10,000 Steps Daily: This commitment to daily physical activity not only benefits my health but also provides time for reflection and ideation.

Embracing Uncertainty and Eliminating Distractions

Dr. Hardy encourages embracing uncertainty and eliminating distractions. Life is full of unexpected twists, especially in projects like home renovations. Being resilient and adaptable is crucial. Moreover, minimizing distractions, such as doom scrolling, helps maintain focus and productivity.

Continuous Growth and Learning: Never Stop Evolving

A significant theme in the book is the commitment to continuous personal and professional growth. Whether through courses, books, or mentorship, investing in your growth is essential. The Emma of today knows more than the Emma of last month, and I strive to keep this momentum.

Leveraging Time and Building Supportive Relationships

Time management is another key area. Prioritizing tasks that align with long-term goals ensures steady progress. Additionally, surrounding yourself with supportive, authentic relationships is vital. Choose friends and mentors who uplift you and encourage your growth.

Acting with Purpose: Aligning Actions with Goals

Aligning daily actions with long-term goals is crucial. Each step you take should bring you closer to your future self. Reflect on your actions: Do they align with your values and goals?

Final Thoughts: Reflect and Act

I hope these insights from Dr. Hardy’s book inspire you to reflect on your future self. Set clear goals, embrace growth, and act with purpose. Remember, your future self will indeed thank you.If this discussion sparked any thoughts or if you’d like to chat more, please send me an email. Also, if you enjoyed this podcast, I would love for you to share it with others and leave a review on Apple or Spotify. Your support helps me reach more women on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Go forth and have a beautiful day, my friend. 🩷

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