Why do we still compare ourselves to others?

Aug 08, 2024

Hello I'm Emma Walkinshaw, and today we’re diving into a topic that’s been on my mind lately: competition and comparison among women.

Prefer to listen? This blog post is also available on my Celebrate a Sister Podcast! Listen here:

The Comparison Trap

In a world saturated with images of women, it's easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others. Recently, I watched an episode of Australian Story featuring Chelsea Bonner, a trailblazer in the modeling industry. The episode, "Face to Fake," highlighted the unsettling rise of AI-generated models and its impact on beauty standards. It got me thinking about how these unattainable images contribute to our feelings of inadequacy and comparison.

Reflecting on Personal Experiences

Chelsea's story resonated with me deeply. Like many of us, she faced harsh judgments about her body, especially as a plus-size model. This led me to reflect on my own journey and the times I’ve felt jealous or inferior because of my body. These feelings are not only unhelpful but also detrimental to our self-esteem.

Shifting from Comparison to Admiration

As I’ve grown older, I’ve realized the importance of shifting from comparison to admiration. Instead of envying other women, I now focus on celebrating their achievements and learning from their journeys. Surrounding myself with inspiring women who are passionate and driven has been transformative. These relationships are a testament to our own potential and growth.

The Power of Supportive Relationships

Building supportive and authentic relationships is crucial. It’s important to acknowledge and celebrate the successes of the women around us. As Madonna Goddess aptly puts it, "A measure of a good woman is how she speaks about you when you are not in her company." Let's champion each other, not only in person but also in our absence.

Rethinking Compliments

One aspect we often overlook is how we compliment each other. Saying “You look good for your age” might seem harmless but can be a backhanded compliment. Instead, focus on genuine and empowering compliments that acknowledge someone's achievements and character.

Embracing Authenticity

Lastly, let's question the authenticity of the images we see and recognize that many are illusions created by technology and media. Embracing our true selves and supporting each other in our journeys is the key to overcoming comparison and fostering a positive community.

Thank you for joining me today. Remember, if you’re sitting at the table with incredible women, you’re doing something right. Go forth, have a gorgeous day, and keep celebrating each other. Until next time!

Hey sister! Are you a driven woman full of ambition but held back by hesitation or body image concerns? It's time to transform those doubts into confidence and take decisive action toward your dreams.

As a Transformational Coach, I help women embrace their bodies, gain clarity, and build self-confidence. Join me on a journey of self-love and empowerment through our programs designed for your unique path.

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